Eastfield Primary School
Eastfield Road (Off Highway Road)
Tel : 0116 269 4692
If you have a query please contact the school office between the hours of 8.00am and 4.00pm. We also have an answer machine system outside of these times.
Email : office@eastfield.bepschools.org
Headteacher: Mr T Gilbert
Office Staff: Mrs S Pancholi & Miss Newton-Pratt
SENDco: Miss K Brown
Safeguarding and welfare concerns
During School Hours
If you have a safeguarding or welfare concern and need to speak to a school safeguarding lead during school hours, then please contact the school on 0116 269 4692. You can also email dsl@eastfield.bepschools.org which will forward your email directly to all of our safeguarding leads. Although emails are monitored regularly during school hours, for urgent matters please speak directly to a school safeguarding lead rather than email.
Outside of School Hours
If you have a safeguarding concern and it is outside of school hours or during the school holiday, you should call Leicestershire First Response Children’s Duty on 0116 3050005. For non-urgent matters, you can email dsl@eastfield.bepschools.org which will forward your email directly to all our safeguarding leads. During school holidays and out of school hours, emails are monitored periodically, however, response time may vary. If a person is in immediate danger or a crime is being committed, call the police on 999.