Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium is a Government initiative that targets extra money at pupils who come from backgrounds that might be deemed to be disadvantaged. The premium is provided in order to support these pupils so they may reach their potential.

Eligibility for the Pupil Premium from April 2012 is for any pupil who has been entitled to Free School Meals (FSM) in the last six years. In addition, pupils who are “looked after” by the authority (LAC) or whose parents are currently serving in the armed forces are also entitled to the premium.

From April 2014, schools in England can receive the Pupil Premium for children adopted from care, or who left care under a Special Guardianship Order on or after 30 December 2005. Schools can also claim the Pupil Premium for children who left care under a Residence Order on or after 14 October 1991.

It is for schools to decide how the Pupil Premium is spent, since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual pupils within their settings. Schools however, will be accountable to outside agencies, mainly Ofsted, to show how the Pupil Premium has enriched the children’s personal and academic achievements within the school.


This funding is currently and was previously used to enhance learning across the school. Some of the activities include:

  • After school intervention programmes
  • Use of outdoor learning
  • Nurture groups
  • Small group support with teaching assistants
  • Small group support with a teacher
  • Additional teachers in specific year groups
  • Training and CPD for teachers and teaching assistants to implement appropriate interventions
  • Peripatetic music tuition, including loan of instrument
  • Subsidised trips and activities

The attainment and progress of all groups of pupils, including pupil premium pupils, is closely tracked by the teachers and members of the senior leadership team. This data is populated and discussed every half term and through analysis and professional dialogue the intervention strategies are planned to closely match the individual needs. This can range from pre-teach or re-teach interventions, specific subject specific support, for example phonics, as well as interventions to support pupils emotional and social needs.

These interventions are closely monitored by our pupil premium lead to ensure that they are having a positive impact on the attainment and progress of these pupils.

To view the Pupil Premium Strategy for Eastfield 2024-2025 click on the link below:

Pupil Premium Strategy 2024.2025

To view the Pupil Premium Strategy for Eastfield 2023-2024 click on the link below:

Pupil Premium Strategy 2023 2024