Local Advisory Board

If you want to contact the local advisory board members this can be in the form of a letter addressed to the Chair of the LAB and delivered to the main school office.

Mrs Christine Comber –
Chair of LAB

Christine has been Chair of the LAB since September 2022.

Mrs Comber is a co-opted member, she has been elected as Chair for the next two years. Mrs Comber has extensive educational experience having worked in city schools for 45 years.

Mrs Clare Hearn-Palmer

Vice Chair

Mrs Hearn-Palmer is a co-opted member who is a director of SCITT, an experienced teacher who now supports students to become qualified teachers.

Mr Ricky Raval

Mr Raval is a co-opted member who runs his own recruitment business. Mr Raval has also been involved in coaching grassroots football and is keen to ensure all children develop good physical skills.

Information on Local Advisory Boards and Governance documents can be found on the Trust website here –
Statutory information including Trust governance arrangements can be found here –