Emotional well-being
Your child’s emotional well-being is at the centre of everything we do at Eastfield. A happy child is a happy learner who has the capacity to flourish and achieve their potential.
During these uncertain and trying times, it is more important than ever to help promote and encourage positive mental health. Talking about how they are feeling can really help with any anxieties your child might be experiencing. If your child is finding it difficult to communicate how they are feeling, try the activities below. They have been designed to also help develop children’s emotional literacy and improve emotional well-being.
5 A Day To Wellbeing
“5 A day to well-being” is an interactive power point resource. It will ask you for a password to access. Just underneath will be the option “Open as a read-only copy.” Select that option and you will be able to access this power point.
Emoji Game
This is an interactive game which helps children identify and think about different emotions.
Crossing The Midline
This resource provides lots of activities that help reduce a child’s anxiety and promote positive thinking skills.
Give Me Five!
Would You Rather Game
These two interactive games have been designed to help encourage turn taking, listening and social skills.
Visualisation activity
This activity shows a series of different images with questions to prompt how the image makes them feel.
Click here for a link to further resources to help your child’s emotional well-being.