
The purpose of history at Eastfield

At Eastfield, we aim to inspire all children to be curious about the past and to ignite a passion for history in them. Our history curriculum is designed to allow all children to become historians through the way they think, question and discover about the past.  Children gain an understanding of the origins and story of humans, in the world, in Great Britain and in our local area. Chronology underpins our history curriculum, giving children a solid understanding of how people and events fit into this story. Understanding of cause and consequence is central to teaching allowing children to recognise how events through history have shaped our world and the way we live. Children are given opportunities to make comparisons and to think about continuity and change through themes that run through history teaching from EYFS to Year 6.

How we teach history at Eastfield

Our history curriculum is based upon the 2014 Primary National Curriculum in England, which provides a broad framework and outlines the key knowledge and skills taught at KS1 and KS2. We have also incorporated suggestions for quality history teaching from the Ofsted 2021 Research Review.

At Eastfield, we have four substantive threads running through our curriculum from Year 1 to Year 6. These threads allow children to make connections between the different periods of history that they learn about. Our substantive threads are: society and culture, innovation, conflict and invasion. Every history topic covered from EYFS to Year 6 is based on an enquiry question. This allows the children to focus their learning for the topic and learn how to use evidence to answer historical enquiries.

In EYFS children are introduced to the initial concepts that will allow them to understand history such as past and present and the story of their life and family. In KS1, children are introduced to the idea of history within living memory and history beyond living memory through comparing the past and present and learning about significant individuals. Children begin to learn how we can find out about the past. In KS2, history forms the basis of  half termly topics for each year group. From Years 3 to 5 our curriculum covers the history of the British Isles from the Stone Age to 1066. Followed by world history (including the Ancient Greeks, Ancient Egyptians, Early Islamic Civilisation in Baghdad. In Year 6, children learn about WWII and in their final term at Eastfield, study a local history topic covering how their time at Eastfield fits into the longer story of the school, local area and city. Throughout these topics, children also gain a deeper understanding of methods of historical enquiry including how knowledge is constructed from a range of sources. They also begin to appreciate that there can be different interpretations of historical events.

At Eastfield, we aim to provide a variety of learning experiences both inside and outside of the classroom in order to create memorable learning opportunities and to further support and develop children’s understanding. These include experience days within school and educational visits to museums and other historical sites.

Ongoing assessment of the children’s historical knowledge and skills is used formatively to inform teachers planning of lesson activities and differentiation throughout the school year.

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History Leader

Mrs L Campana