

Science at Eastfield

The purpose for teaching science

At Eastfield we strive for children to be kind, courageous and curious. We believe that high quality science education and teaching fosters a love of learning and respect for the diverse world around them.

We teach science in accordance with National Curriculum while also allowing children to experience other natural phenomenon. This might include exposure to a wide range of visitors /educational trips and looking at what is happening in the world right now. They acquire key knowledge and skills through following our working scientifically progression document. Our progression documents ensure that the children’s learning is built upon year on year and that learning is linked together.

We nurture curiosity through child led learning. This includes planning, completing and evaluating a range of scientific enquiry linked to their scientific interests. We do this to develop our children into respectful and inquisitive citizens who understand how science will affect their adult lives.


The teaching and learning of science

  • Teachers plan clear and comprehensive lesson plans in line with the National Curriculum where teaching and learning should show progression across all key stages within the strands of Science.
  • Every year group will build upon the learning from prior year groups thus developing the depth of understanding and progression of knowledge and skills.
  • Planning is enhanced by our progression maps as teachers are made aware of the children’s prior knowledge before planning the unit of work.
  • Children explore, question, predict, plan, carry out investigations and observations as well as conclude their findings.
  • Children use a range of resources to develop their knowledge and understanding that is integral to their learning and develop their understanding of working scientifically.
  • In order to support children in their ability to ‘know more and remember more’ there are regular opportunities to review the learning taken place in previous topics as well as previous lessons.
  • Working walls in the classrooms detail key knowledge, skills and vocabulary. These are used to support children with their acquisition of knowledge and are used as a reference document.
  • To support teaching and learning staff have access to a Science Padlet which contains a range of resources, planning and continuing professional development.
  • Teachers use formative assessment such as low stakes quizzes to ensure misconceptions are highlighted and address as well as ensure children are confident with the concept.
  • Differentiation is planned and facilitated by teachers, to ensure that each pupil can access the science curriculum.
  • Cross curricular lessons are planned wherever possible.
  • Science lessons at Eastfield have a practical aspect wherever possible because science is a practical subject.
  • Through enrichment days, such as ‘science week’ and ‘Aspirations week’, we promote the profile of Science and allow time for the children to freely explore scientific topics.

The outcome of our science curriculum

Children of Eastfield will be naturally curious about the world and understand how science it has shaped history. From conducting pupil interviews it is clear that children highly regard science and have a thirst for knowledge. The impact of our curriculum and high-quality teaching and learning will lead to excellent progression in knowledge and skills for all children following on their individual starting points. Therefore, most children will leave Eastfield reaching age related expectations in science. Due to our classrooms being vocabulary rich, children will be able to use science specific vocabulary to explain their understanding of the world’s phenomenon. Having developed their key knowledge and skills while at Eastfield the children will be able to contribute to the world’s future prosperity. Children learn the possibilities for careers in science as a result of our community links and enrichment activities such as ‘Aspirations Week’. Due to our curriculum design and children’s Science Capital, Eastfield has been awarded Primary Science Quality Mark.


Key documents:

Science Curriculum Overview

Science Progression Map EYFS KS1 1

Science Progression Map KS2


Subject Leader:

Mr C Jones