At Eastfield, SMSC underpins much of what we do. We recognise that the personal development of the children – spiritually, morally, socially and culturally – plays a significant role in their ability to learn, and to grow into well rounded members of society.

We aim to provide an education that provides children with opportunities to explore and develop:

  • Their own values and beliefs
  • Spiritual awareness
  • High standards of personal behaviour
  • A positive and caring attitude towards other people and development of positive characteristics to enable them to be compassionate members of society
  • An understanding and respect for their and others social and cultural tradition
  • An appreciation of the diversity and richness of cultures and the world around them

Diwali Celebrations (5th November 2021)

The children learnt all about Diwali, the Hindu festival of light. Following an afternoon of celebrations, the children created a whole-school Rangoli pattern on the playground.  Due to COVID 19 restrictions at the time, the student added to the pattern in their individual year groups.

Holi Festival (18th March 2022)

The children enjoyed learning about Holi – the festival of colours – following on from their learning about Diwali: the festival of light. The children celebrated the triumph of good over evil by throwing powdered paint over each other in this traditional Hindu style.